Saturday, September 16, 2017

Liquid and the Container

Liquid and the Container

Liquid takes the shape of the container.
Mind is a liquid, held by the container called ego.

The liquid has the memory of the past
or imagination of the future.

Strangely enough, only the container
determines the condition of the liquid.

When the container possess the memory,
resentment, guilty, complaint and sadness results.

Anxiety, fear, stress and unease are given birth
when the container holds the future.

The container is an imaginary wall
with ingredients of concepts, labels and judgment.

Surprise! These ingredients are derived
from the liquid itself.

By isolating and holding on to
a small portion of the liquid
this imaginary wall is formed.

The container assuming the role of the
slayer cannot break itself.

Seek the Guru's grace and guidance
and perform self-enquiry

Then the imaginary container would disappear
leading to the glimpse of the freedom

Glimpse experienced even once can
identify and demolish the construction
of new wall(s) right at very early stages.

Then with the absence of the imaginary wall
the liquid (river) will enjoy the freedom
and continue its journey in its course
until it merges with the sea.

At that point, the liquid (river) will lose its identity.

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